Viraj is a Mumbai-based fashion photographer whose life revolves around his six-year-old daughter Mahi, who is battling "65 roses". They live with the latter's grandfather. Mahi, who has no idea who her mother is, demands her father to narrate her mother's story. When Viraj promises to do so but doesn't, a furious Mahi runs away from home with their pet dog Pluto and crosses paths with Yashna, who saves her from a traffic collision. Befriending Yashna, Mahi recruits her assistance to convince Viraj to tell her about her mother; together, they compel Viraj to recount the story of his wife and going by Yashna's advice, Mahi imagines her to be her biological mother Varsha.

সর্বশেষ কমিক বই ডাউনলোড করুন! 
ডাউনলোড শুরু করতে নিচের লিংকে ক্লিক করুন।